

  • December 24th, 2024
  • Jennifer

Immanuel. God with us. What does that mean? “Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14 This is from the Old Testament and one of the  300+ fulfilled prophecies.

It is true. Jesus took on flesh and bone, living life as a man, while fully God. Not something I can wrap my mind around. Not really. I cannot succinctly describe what I know in my heart and mind to be true, yet I want to. In fact, I’m compelled to. So here goes.

I believe. As an individual who prefers to be known as a Christ follower vs a religious person and or even to be lumped into the category of “Christian”. I have met numerous people who have a negative association with the word Christian. I have not and will not “arrive” until I see Jesus face to face. Until then, I am a work in progress. I have said and done things - stupid, careless and hurtful things. I’m not proud of those innumerable times, I’m owning it. That being said, there are people who identify with the name of Christian, but have not healed, grown, or learned that we all mess up on a grand scale. There are times, when some feel it their responsibility to tell others where they are wrong and in need of making changes. This is the negative association I referred to. The association when people felt attacked, accused and judged. No warm fuzzies, emotional or otherwise.

God with us is not warm fuzzies. God with us is not floating along on the proverbial cloud nine, it is the indwelling Holy Spirit. Because I am a follower of Christ, no matter where I go, Immanuel. Day in and day out. When I am at my perceived best and my absolute worst, Immanuel.

Many years ago, we were going through a hard season as a family. I was a wreck. I grabbed a lawn chair, set it up in the shade of our backyard and sunk into it. My mind and emotions were churning and refused to land. Taking a deep breath, I asked God to “talk to me”. He did. In the form of a Cedar Waxwing, a beautiful bird that migrates through in spring. This was not spring. Immanuel.

Fast forward a few years. Yep. Another hard season and one we never saw coming. I was unraveling and thought my entire world was along with me. It was September. Time to harvest my sunflowers. I do not recall how many were cut before I saw it. A perfectly shaped heart. Yes, a sunflower head in the shape of a heart. (I have the picture) Immanuel.

I could tell you of many times in my life as a Christ follower when I had the eyes of my heart opened to Immanuel. Countless. The conversations I could have never orchestrated, the peace coming in like waves, the discernment I would never have had on my own. I look forward to eternity with the Christ I follow. To hear of the times I was protected, healed, comforted and always, always loved.

Matthew 1:23 in the ESV says this; “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us)

May this Christmas be centered on Immanuel. He is with us.

Immanuel. God is with us. This is not dependent on what we see or comprehend. It just is. God is with us. No exceptions.

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